February 11, 2025

What To Gift New Parents?

That moment when two ordinary people turn into parents is never forgettable. The moment they hold their baby for the very first time would be etched in their mind; regardless to how many kids they have. Unfortunately, as miraculous as the experience may be, it is undeniable that being new parents is exhausting. If you are a neighbor or friends to new parents, and want to gift them something to celebrate their new phase in life, then here are our tips and suggestions for a perfect gift.

Something that will make their days less complicated

New parents, especially first time parents, usually feel overwhelmed pretty early into their baby’s life. The baby’s sleeping pattern will affect their own, and when the baby is awake, she or he will have them running around trying to do their daily chores while still meeting all their baby’s requirements. In this case, anything that will make their days less complicated will work. A hand blender for making the babies food, a rocking chair, an Avent electric breast pump, even a feeding pillow for the midnight feed can make great gifts.

A little help with their daily chores

Sometimes, what new parents actually need it your support. Help them clean their home or take over the cooking once in a while. Ask them if they want their garden cleaned or if they want anything from town when you’re heading there. Even making them a few heat and eat meals can be a huge favor; especially if they have jobs or other kids to feed. Trust us, this can be more useful to pumps!

Make travelling with their baby more possible

If your first time parents are used to going out often, then being stuck at home with the baby can feel stifling. Infants especially can get fussy in public; and as a result, new parents hardly take them out. Baby carriers are extremely useful in these situations; especially if it can later be converted into a baby car seat; making it useful even as the baby grows older. Apart from this, you can even opt to gift them a newborn sling carrier; something that most parents prefer.

Help them get away

As much as they love their baby, we know that there are moments when it’s healthier to just get away a little. Even if it’s only for an hour or so. You sling gift will certainly come in handy here; but might be useless if they just want to get away from their home without the baby. Consider stepping up and giving them a break. Offer to babysit while they grab a nap or take a walk. Let them know you’re all ears; and that you can always be approached for help. This alone will make a gift they’d never forget…